
Children's Art Space

Tromarama: The Lost Jungle

Let's explore this virtual jungle and discover imaginary creatures inspired by real animals! You can also make them at home and take them online to live in the gallery at Museum MACAN in Jakarta!


Let's explore this virtual jungle and create your imaginary creatures through interactive site below!
Let's explore this virtual jungle and create your imaginary creatures through interactive site below!

The Lost Jungle Website – Create your Imaginary Creature!

About the Art Collective

Tromarama is an artist collective formed in 2006 by Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans, and Ruddy Hatumena. Attracted by the idea of ​​hyperreality in the digital age, their works often incorporate various mediums such as video, installation, computer programming and public participation in networks.

Tromarama's artistic practice explores social constructions that respond to the times, playing in the space between the physical world and the digital world.

Museum MACAN | UOB Children's Art Space
Tromarama: The Lost Jungle

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